Message from Mark Senior to parents & carers

17 Dec 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

I wish to thank each and every one of you for the support that you have shown the school during Terms 1 & 2.  September was clearly not the start that we had planned, however as it becomes more of a distant memory and we are focusing on the positives for 2022.  Despite our setbacks your children have again astounded me by their resilience and positive attitudes.  The pupils have continued to give their all in the many lessons and activities that they have been presented with, something which we hope to extend further as we move into the New Year.  It has been great to see the pupils engage in Creative Arts lessons, using our Discovery room and our revamped Sensory Room all which were all new for 2021.

We are all looking forward to Christmas and our whole staff team would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


Take Care,

